Buy Cryoscreen - NeuroCryoStimulation Machine In UAE

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Cryoscreen - NeuroCryoStimulation Machine
Cryoscreen - NeuroCryoStimulation Machine
Cryoscreen - NeuroCryoStimulation Machine
Cryoscreen - NeuroCryoStimulation Machine

Cryoscreen - NeuroCryoStimulation Machine

AED 26,250
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AED 26,250

Product Details


Highlights :
Pain relief effect
Management of the inflammatory crisis
Vasomotor effect: rapid drainage of hematomas and edema
Muscle relaxation Overview : The NeuroCryoStimulation technique makes it possible to drop the temperature from 32C to 4C in 30 seconds thanks to a cold power of -78C and 50 bars of pressure (CO2). The thermal shock is immediate, it stimulates the skin receptors that send a powerful and very fast message the hypotalamus to activate the Neurovegetative reflex system. Thanks to an on board thermal camera and a powerful display.

Fulfilled byMedikabazaar

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